To report this information, it was also presented a report that said that 6 million units of iPhone X were sold during the “Black Friday” weekend, and buyers prefer the more expensive model of 256 GB. It is undeniable that this iPhone came to mark the segment and there are many reports that account for this reality. The huge production, sales and orders that extend until next year endorse the rumours already mentioned: the iPhone X marked its segment. We have no doubt that the tech giant Apple worked very well in marketing and was exceptional in the Black Friday promotions. Regarding iPhone sales performance, Rosenblatt analysts believe that the tech giant Apple was able to sell about 6 million units of the iPhone X over Black Friday’s weekend out of a total of 15 million iPhones sold. The 256GB iPhone X was twice as popular as the base 64GB model, according to analysts, a positive sign for the tech giant Apple’s bottom line. The 64GB iPhone X is for sale in the United States for $999 and in India for Rs.89,000. The 256 GB model, which is just the same, only has the additional 192 GB, costs the US $1149 and in India Rs.102,000, which is the consumer’s choice. This latest model also gives Apple a bigger profit. The iPhone X is not only the most advanced but also the most expensive phone in the tech giant Apple’s history. The price is even so high that it is not another successor in the model line, but a model that is completely separate and sold along with iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. Hence, the editors’ team at iDropnews thought how it would be if the tech giant Apple had also created a cheaper version of iPhone X, which is named as iPhone Xc that would attack the cheaper smartphone markets, at least cheaper by the tech giant Apple. This is how the iPhone Xc concept came to offer a plastic or polycarbonate body, just like the iPhone 5c. The iPhone Xc could offer a TrueDepth camera that would allow the use of Face ID and Animoji, as well as Bionic A11 or even A12 chips. Of course, there is a lack of Touch ID, which, like the iPhone X, would be replaced a Face ID. While it may seem at first glance that plastic is not what you can imagine today, the polycarbonate body should both reduce the cost of the device and also reduce the susceptibility to cracking the back that is now in the glass. In addition, the plastic is fully compatible with wireless charging, so we would not even miss this feature as well. However, it would not be enough just to replace the rear glass with plastic to radically reduce the price of the device. This would save some money, but we are talking about a few dollars, which would hardly be reflected in the price of the device, which is sold for about Rs.89,000. The tech giant Apple used the LCD panel instead of a significantly more expensive OLED panel in iPhone X. Just changing the display, chassis construction material and increasing the production of Face ID cameras should cause radical price cuts for the designers, and the phone would sell at $549. Of course, this is just a matter of thought for the editors of one magazine, but the concept looks quite interesting and we know the tech giant Apple’s rainbow colours are fun. However, I personally think that the tech giant Apple wants to concentrate in the future primarily on selling older models at discounted prices, as it has been doing for years. In addition, the iPhone SE, which sells for Rs.18,999 and it is a very good answer for lower price segment phones. So, what do you think about this new iPhone Xc concept? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.

Meet iPhone Xc   The Inexpensive Alternative to iPhone X - 75Meet iPhone Xc   The Inexpensive Alternative to iPhone X - 48Meet iPhone Xc   The Inexpensive Alternative to iPhone X - 85