Tom Meyer
Big Picture mode was first introduced for Steam in 2012 and offered a controller-friendly interface for the PC game launcher, and would serve the basis for the now-defunct console and PC hybrid Steam Machines. The feature made for PC gaming on televisions did not receive many visual updates until today, The interface that was designed for the company’s Steam Deck will be replacing the old Big Picture UI, complete with a new home screen, universal search, an updated in-game overlay, and new menus to access system and quick settings. It will also come with a new controller configurator to allow picking or editing various controller configurations for games. The new Big Picture interface is currently in testing and requires opting into the Steam Client beta. Check out the official announcement for more information on how to join and set it up. The Steam Deck first launched last February for those lucky to get an early reservation, and proved popular enough that the reservation system was finally removed earlier this month alongside the sale of the handheld’s Docking Station to connect it to a larger display.

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Steam s Big Picture Mode Gets Steam Deck Facelift Now in Beta - 66